The files must be named as follows: <>.

Example: (driver program) (Date class file)

Ensure you include ALL files required to make your program compile and run.
I would like to see your .java files only.

Proper coding conventions required the first letter of the class start with a capital letter and the first letter of each additional word start with a capital letter.

Overall Requirements

Create a class named Date that stores date values and prints out the date in either a pure numeric format or a name and number format (see sample session for format details). class file

¡¤ Date objects should store the date in two int instance variables ©¤ day and month, and it should include the String instance variable, error, initialized with null.

Implement a 1-parameter Date constructor that receives a dateStr string parameter and performs complete error checking on the given dateStr value. The Date constructor is the entity that¡¯s responsible for date error checking. That way, if a Date object is instantiated and if there are no errors, then you¡¯re guaranteed that the Date object holds a legitimate date value. If any kind of error occurs, change the value of the error instance variable to a non-null string value, using an appropriate concatenation of a string constant, input substring, and/or API exception message.
Constructors use the same exception handling rules as methods: In a try block, include the parsing of the month and day substrings and other error-checking logic that will not work if parsing fails.
¡¤ Take into account the actual number of days in each month, but assume that there are always 28 days in February.

¡¤ To extract day and month numbers from the given date string, use String¡¯s indexOf method to find the location of the slash character, and String¡¯s substring method to extract month and day substrings from the input string.

¡¤ Include a method for printing the date with a numeric format. Use the zero-pad flag in a printf method call to get exactly two digits for each month and day.

¡¤ Include a method for printing the date with an alphabetic format.

Include a getError method which returns the value of the error instance variable.
50% class file

In your driver class, include a loop that repeatedly:

¡¤ Asks the user to enter a date or ¡°q¡± to quit.

¡¤ If the entry is not ¡°q¡±, instantiate a Date object.

¡¤ If the error variable is null:

o Print the date using numeric format.

o Print the date using alphabetic format.

Otherwise, print the value of the error variable.

Comments / Flow Chart / Pseudocode / Style

Comments are REQUIRED; flow charts and Pseudocode are NOT REQUIRED.
Proper coding style is REQUIRED. Refer to the JavaCodingStyle.doc in Doc Sharing for more information.

Upload your page to the Dropbox.

NOTE: Complete your activity and submit it to the Dropbox.

Total Points

Sample Session:

Enter a date in the form mm/dd (“q” to quit): 5/2
May 2
Enter a date in the form mm/dd (“q” to quit): 05/02
May 2
Enter a date in the form mm/dd (“q” to quit): 52
Invalid date format ¨C 52
Enter a date in the form mm/dd (“q” to quit): 5.0/2
Invalid format – For input string: “5.0”
Enter a date in the form mm/dd (“q” to quit): 13/2
Invalid month ¨C 13
Enter a date in the form mm/dd (“q” to quit): 2/x
Invalid format – For input string: “x”
Enter a date in the form mm/dd (“q” to quit): 2/30
Invalid day ¨C 30
Enter a date in the form mm/dd (“q” to quit): 2/28
February 28
Enter a date in the form mm/dd (“q” to quit): q

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