Photo And Text Submission Website

Hello Developers,

Please read the attached PDF for full details and step by step instructions and details.

This website consists of a way for a predetermined list of people listed in a databse to upload a photo and submit text to be stored in the same database. There are three distinct “steps” to this website along with a confirmation page, a login page, and a page to view user submissions. Users are alowed to resubmit their submissions an unlimited amount of times, instructions for handling resubmissions are
included in each steps details. All I need is the basic code for it; no stying beyond a basic HTML layout as shown in the figures below, the site will be templated/skinned by me.

Please read the attached PDF for full details and step by step instructions and details.

Thank You,
Chris Munoz begin_of_the_skype_highlighting     end_of_the_skype_highlighting

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