Oscommerce Review Reminder

When you have no proven record in OSCommerce projects please do not respond!

What we need is a review reminder.

This Module will ask our customers to write a review of their recently purchased products.

It lists all products bought in the configured timeframe even if they are bought in different transactions.

The email contains a list of purchased products with:

• Image
• “Write a Review Button” (taken from our theme)
• direct link to the review page of the product

The HMTL emailtemplate will be provided.

The email must be send automaticly after a set amount of time (editable) and only when a the status of the order is set to “delivered” (editable).

When the is email is send and a new purchase is done then only the newest items must be listed in the email so there won’t be en endless list of items to review.

The costumer must be able to switch off the review request in his admin panel so no emails will be send (when it’s off)

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