I need some wordpress themes to be submit for http://wordpress.org/extend/themes/
I am looking for good theme designer- coder who is following the standards of
And following the tips of
I am looking for bulk themes with regularly. so i am looking for someone who can do this. Once you developed word-press framework it is easy to create new themes with just design modification.
Theme should unique and created by yourself, I am looking for experienced person .
Please bid for one theme. Then send me your quote for 10 themes, and 50 themes in private message. The 10 theme – 50 theme projects will be awarded to you after successfully completing this project. If you are using image then it should be royalty free for templates. for example http://www.bigstockphoto.com allowes images for templates. But istockphoto.com don’t allow. So use please mention the image source when you submitting your work.