Adjustment To WordPress Twentyten Theme


I’m looking for a developer/designer who is very familiar with WordPress and knows the default TwentyTen theme well.

What I want is someone to adjust the default TwentyTen theme for the following two things…

1) The home page and all category, tag and archive pages should display a 150×150 thumbnail of the featured image for each post. This is using the standard WordPress gallery upload feature and featured selector. The thumbnail will be aligned to the left with the usual post title, meta data and excerpt aligned right of that. The thumbnail should be styled in the same way the TwentyTen theme styles the gallery thumbnails when displayed in a post.

2) The featured image should should also be displayed above the post content on the post page. Here the image width should be limited to the width of the post column in the Twenty Ten theme (whatever that is). Here I would also like the image caption to be displayed below the image. The image caption as provided when the image was uploaded. This caption should link to the Link URL defined when the image was uploaded (assuming one was provided). I intend to use the caption to provide attribution credit for the image used.

I need you to be able to make these changes on an installation on your own server so you can show me what you have done and then send me the relevant theme files that you have changed when we are completed. I’ll also need you to explain to me what exactly you have changed.

** It is really important to me that these changes don’t change any funadamental wordpress functions…I’m just looking for some theme changes which leverage the baked in WP gallery and image handling features. **

A few things to note:
– Payment by SL escrow only (100%)
– I am looking for someone with really good WordPress experience. If you have created your own plugins and themes before I’d be very interested to check those out.
– Please hit the PMB if you have questions before bidding.

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