We need to customize the video clip at http://videohive.net/item/glorious/93230 (After Effects CS3 project). We will acquire it, along with the soundtrack.
All texts and videos will be replaced after our specifications. We will not include video footage in this first project, but still images and videos of moving (computer) screenshots. We are interested ALSO (separate task) in having such videos produced: we supply a group of screenshots and we need pan & zoom effects, flyovers, etc … in order to have eye-catching videoclips (10-15 seconds each) to be placed inside the main project. if you can do this please let us know and show any similar work made in the past.
We need a partner with good After Effects skills. This would be just a “test” project. If successful and well done, we could grant several other similar projects.
Any reference to past projects you made with intro videos like this (epic style).
Please write also a message in the board to introduce yourself.