Video + Live Webcam Feed + Photo Slideshow Control Panel

I am looking for someone to create a web based control panel which enables a user to control the output of video, webcam feed and photo slideshow.

The user should be able to login to their control panel online where they can upload their client logo and choose whether or not it is to be displayed in the top right of the screen, together with additional photos that can be displayed within the slideshow. They should also be able to set the order of the photos and control when each media is shown and for how long.

For example

1 minute webcam feed -> switch to video, show video for 2 minutes -> 30 seconds webcam feed -> switch to photo slideshow, show all photos and slideshow them every 5 seconds. Loop


30 seconds webcam feed -> switch to video, show half of video -> 30 seconds webcam feed -> switch to photo slideshow, show 5 photos for 5 seconds each -> 30 seconds webcam feed -> switch to video, show second half of video -> 30 seconds webcam feed -> switch to photo slideshow, show next 5 photos for 10 seconds each.


for them to exclude the showing of one of them. e.g. Video.

User should also be able to specify if they would like a semi-transparent banner across bottom of the screen and if enabled what image and message they would like to be displayed over this.

Alternatively, if you know of software which can already do this, then I will pay you for this information.

This project needs to be completed by 30th September 2010.

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