Iphone Ecommerce App


We are seeking a highly qualified group of programmers who have previous experience making Iphone mobile Apps with Objective-C 2.0. This is a task for EXPERTS only. And you should have atleast a small team of programmers who can do several task at once. Otherwise this project will not be able to be completed within our 2 month time frame.

We require seeing any and all of your previous work. And you must keep us updated on everything each week and for us to be able to contact you via skype.

NOTE We will need this done within 1- 2 months at the most and we also plan on giving a bonus as well if you get this done within the given time frame.

NOTE Our current budget is tight but reasonable also we will hire you on a monthly basis to help run and operate this site after the 2 months you have completed this.

ALSO When this project is completed by your team within 2 months we plan on contracting you out to help create and manage the upcoming site as well. Keep bugs out of the system and help us with any changes and support on call all the time. We will have to workout a monthly fee when the project is completed.

we need the app to be in between the App store and Facebook App
…… App store because you will be able to search through the categories with top restaurants on the left icon and each category like the featured section of the App store.o

…….And Facebook because you will create a group of minimum 5 people that will be able to recommend certain premium advertising Using Mobile Email, Facebook twitter and the most important SMS/MMS via wifi of mobile inet “like Skype”.

You will have to sign up and be logged in to earn point per MMS emails etc that you send out as a group.

this is just a brief explanation. will be more detailed when i talk to you.
add friends add groups

And we need a custom made chanel that will control the whole site and be very secure with no bugs. We will also have our own adsense on the site so we will need to be able to upload our ads in this cpanel and they will automatically show up where we will need them to.

Other things required of you javascript flash widgets ect.

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