Need Simple Order Form Replicated

i need the order form at duplicated.

the calculator algorithm is attached for step1 is attached and i should be able to change in admin panel

step 2 of the form is that dates:

first field should be at least 2 weeks in future.

3 should be before/same day as first field, 4th field should be after third, if normal hire selected on step 1 the difference between them should be 6, if extended hire, it should be 7-12.

step 3 is personal details, all standard validation.

when they click confirm and pay, taken to paypal to pay booking fee, after paid only then is order added to dbase and emails sent out, 1 to customer, 1 to me, i have invoice design you just need to input information.

i should be able to add orders in admin panel, and generate invoices and send to customers.

simple order form need done in next 24 hours, please only submit bid if you can work to that timeframe, code should be clean and free of errors.

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