The idea is to create a YouTube like site that pays it’s members per upload and per x amount of views using advertising. The member signs up giving the typical login info needed and their paypal address. For now that’s the only way to be paid.
When a user uploads a video they will need to view a short video ad during the upload process. Once complete, they will get paid x amount for doing so.
Users should also be able to be paid per views via advertisements on their videos. For each, let’s say, 1,000 views members get x amount of cash credited.
Members can feel free to post their videos around other sites and gain views that way as well. The ads should still remain on there, and the videos should have some sort of indicator on them that can make it obvious that it came from my site. Perhaps a watermark or few second ad before the video.
As far as looks go, I’m basically wanting a less cluttery version of YouTube. I’m looking at a green, blue, and yellow kind of colors.
On the homepage it should have a top rated videos area, most views, currently being watched, and in an obvious area, a “Featured Videos” section. The featured videos should be around 4 bigger sized videos in a bar along the homepage. These videos will be chosen by me OR members can purchase a featured video for a certain amount of time and gain more views for being on the homepage.
In the corner should be a ranking chart. Top earning members by day, month, all time.
Their “Channel” should be identical to YouTube’s. Profile picture, design, organize/edit videos. All that jazz. It should also show their all time earnings if they choose to.
A video search, channel search, Groups, “How it works/FAQ”, and Sign Up/Log in tab/area should all be on there.
Users need to have great privacy settings. Hide videos, delete videos, hide earnings, etc.
Members can rate and comment on others videos. ONLY members.
There should be an earnings bar at the top that tallys their current earnings. They should be able to click on that and see their credited earnings along with processing earnings, invalid earnings, and earnings and payouts history along with a “Cash Out” button that is available when they have reached the minimum payout level. That should all lead to an “earnings” section of the site.
The site should catch false/duplicate views and not credit them for such. And if they miss or work through an advertisement during the upload it won’t credit them either UNLESS it was a function error. Then it should tell me and an email will be forwarded out on my part.
I should have strong admin powers. No spamming, hacking, or abuse is tolerated. No adult content or offensive material. I should be able to ban members and delete videos. Members should also be able to “Flag” videos. After a certain amount of flags the post will be deleted automatically. I should be notified of each flagged video.
A back-end admin panel should be there to do all this.
Oh, and an “embedded/link/share” area should be available too.
This is a pretty big project, like I said. But my budget is flexible and as long as I have it before mid Nov. that’s fine. My site is and if you take a look at what it is now (which is all inactive) I’d like to keep that simple look. Of course thing’s changed as I mentioned above. But over all just a simple to-the-point site. Let me know if you’re willing to do a project like this and if you can give me a quote and approx. time frame for this as well.
Thanks and looking forward to hearing back from you,