Autoposting Cron Similar To Wprobot

I need an autoposting feature similar to I want to fetch articles and rss feeds from the web and post them onto my web site.

I don’t need as many features as WProbot, but I will specify a few options for fetching such as how often to post, the maximum number of posts per day, whether or not to strip out links, ect

My site is not wordpress but it is php/mysql. I will install a blank cron file to run hour-ly and list all of the settings I would like to use. You don’t have to build the admin files for the settings. Just fetch the content and insert into a database.

Place you bid for the above and also let me know if it would be possible to use a template system similar to WProbot in your bid description. To be considered, describe what you can accomplish with your bid.

If you have further questions about what I want, please see for the best example.

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