#1 my website is “linked” to the phpbb3 forums software. I have a “login / register” modified database, that allows the user to login from the website, using the login/register module from phpbb3. when the user logs in from the website, it keeps the SID for when the user goes to the forum.
There is a small jquery “login/register” function on the top of the wbsite, that shows the username, whereever they are on the site.
This works, BUT, when the user logs in from the forums itself, and chooses to click on the “home” link, to go to the main website location, the SID is NOT kept. That function doesn’t work. THAT is the first little project that needs to be done.
#2 as I stated, the website uses a custom database, that stores a username and password. when the user registers, it registers using the phpbb3 registration function. There is a script that I got from the phpbb3 forums that allows for an “outside” database to add or remove the username and password, along side the forums database. This works fine, BUT. I want to go the next step:
#a have 1 database that stores username and password, and a “link key” TO
#b the phpbb3 forums database, with all the other “info” for the user, which is linked to the first database with the “linked key”.
#3 convert my website, which is about 4 pages tops, to php5, with oop, so that I can use my Xcache function…