Graphic Design

Hi Designers!

I am developing a site about speeding ticket defense, called go check it out, right now it just has a dog picture there. First of all, I want to say that the header with the dog is not the standard that I am looking for- I want something much better.

As you can see the website is almost finished except for the awesome design work that a really cool designer will get to do for me. The things that I will need are a…

Header (jpg) 745×130
fan (jpg) 250×197
button (png) 188×42
advertisement (jpg) 245×206

If you want to see a good example of what I am talking about go to

When the designer sends me their final work I request that they should be sent in files that have these exact same names.

By the way, don’t use stolen pictures, I don’t want to get sued. If you do use stolen pics i will hunt you down and kill you 🙂

Ask me if you have any questions.

Oh and I almost forgot, the text in the header and the fan should say…

Speeding Ticket Defense
Become a Speeding Ticket Samurai Warrior

The button should say…

Get Instant Access

The Advertisement should say

Guide to Beating Your Speeding Ticket
Simple in-depth info on how to beat your speeding ticket in court.
Includes scripts that you can read from in the courtroom.

If you do an awesome job for a good price I have other sites that need work too. Looking forward to working with you.

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