Swoopo Type Clone.

I am looking for a swoopo type penny auction website that has tight code, no security holes or backdoors, and is fast as lightning.

*Buying bid packages.
*Paying per bid and the price increasing by a set amount.
*The time increasing by 10 seconds (I need ability to change time) every time a bid is placed.
*General pages such as terms and conditions and a help section which I can edit.
*The ability for members to login, update their account, purchase more bids and pay for their won auctions.
*Paypal as the payment gateway by default.
*Ability to give users free bids.
*Ability for users to receive free bids for registering, for winning their first auction and for buying bid packages for the first time.
*Add, edit and delete articles for the latest news page.
*Content Management System (CMS) I need to be able to Add, edit, delete and clone auctions.
*Ability to easily start, stop, and edit auctions.
*Refund bids.
*View the winning bidder and update the status of the auction e.g. running, ended and completed.
*View, edit, add, delete and suspend users.
*View users bidding history, purchased bid packages, add free bids to the user and refund bids for the user.
*Manage the entire website content such as the terms & conditions and help page content.
*View referrals from users.
*Set the bidding packages (size and price).
*Update the latest news articles and add new articles.
*Manage the website categories, add, edit and delete new categories, which can be unlimited levels deep.
*Edit general website settings including turning on and off various features at a click of a button.
*Payment system. PayPal and authorize.net
*Limits on the number of auctions a user can win in a month.
*Coupon Module (Users can redeem coupons to get admin defined bids)
*Affiliate Module (Users can get rewards for referring friends)
*Address Book importer (To invite more and more people)
*Rewards points system (when packages are purchased)
*Credit back on lost bids (Users get half credit for bids on lost items to pay for won items)
*Auto Bidders – Bid Butler (Users can schedule them in advance)
*Peak Only Auctions (Active for a specific time period)
*Nail Biter (Auctions without Auto Bids)
*Multiple Languages
*Multiple Currencies
*Product Inventory (Add a product once and then create as many auctions as I want)
*Ability for users to pay with major credit cards and paypal.
*”liquid-style” flow with mouse clicks possibly
*Ability for users to submit success stories and videos that will be posted on homescreen
*Ability to change the look and feel from the control panel
*Robot bidders for testing
*Ability to limit the users to US and CA bidders
*Buy it now
*Multi Level Admin
*Chat Feature
*Twitter and Facebook integration
*Search Engine Optimization
**Ability to modify signup bonuses to things other than free bids and change the graphics on the front page that advertises these bonuses.

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