Joomla Membership Site

Joomla Template Modification

This is a very quick and easy job for someone with the right skills.

IMPORTANT: Read this ENTIRE PROJECT POST before submitting your bid. Attention to detail will be one of the main criteria in choosing the winning candidate.

I need someone experienced in setting up Joomla membership sites to modify a Joomla template. The site is located at

I need that site to look this:

How to Work Out Songs by Ear, Part 1 – Basix

I have a sandbox environment which you can use to work with the template prior to making the final modifications on the main site. The changes are simply figuring out the menu system on the template so it looks like the site located at Themeforest and then making a few custom changes.

Successful candidate must have experience in the following:

Joomla 1.5
DocMan v1.5.8
AEC Version 0.14, Revision 3020
Kunena 1.5.12

When placing your bid please include (read carefully):

Example(s) of current membership sites you’ve already created using Joomla 1.5 and the modules/versions above. DO NOT INCLUDE EXAMPLES OF ANY OTHER WORK. If it’s not a Joomla membership site DO NOT give me the link. If your bid includes a bunch of links for any other examples of work then I’ll know you did not read the project specs and your bid will immediately be rejected.

Any examples of membership sites you’ve created must also have the modules listed above installed. I need to see a working site that you ALREADY have. I’m not looking to pay for someone’s learning curve.

The word Haagen must be in your bid. I will not consider bids that do not include this word. If you simply submit an autoreply based on the keywords your bid will immediately be rejected.

You must be able to complete the site no later than Tuesday, August 10, 2010. If you cannot have the site COMPLETELY finished by this date, please do not submit a bid. I would really like to see a working copy on Monday, August 9, 2010 so we can make any final modifications if necessary. Please note: I’m on a tight schedule and do not have any room to extend the deadline.

Please also let me know what time zone you are in. I’ll need to communicate regularly on the progress and be available to answer any questions immediately so I need to know how to adjust my schedule so we can be on at the same time.

The template can be found at so you can see exactly how simple the job is.
I can’t load it here inside Scriptlance because the file is too large.

The directory is password protected. The username is Joomla and the pword is 5cr1ptlanc3.

The scope of the work includes:

1. Take the template and figure out how to make the menu on the Front Page look like the Themeforest Demo and not what I currently have at

2. Install and configure the template on my sandbox so I can see that it works.

3. Configure the template on the live site and make the final changes.

The changes are simple:

1. Changing the links on the menu bar
2. Changing the slider pictures/text
3. Changing the text and the graphics on the “Who We Are”,
“What We Do” and “How We Do” sections.
4. Deleting both Simple Menus
5. Replacing the “Proin lacinia metus non” section with a video
6. Changing the links in the bottom menu
7. Verifying all links are operational

Successful candidate will be chosen based on the following:

Previous experience
Previous ratings inside Scriptlance
Feedback from previous customers
Attention to detail in the bid specs
Speed of turnaround for the project

The work should take no more than 4 or 5 hours according to my consultant so the project budget is not negotiable. Please do not submit bids over the $100 maximum or or past the deadline – your bid will be immediately rejected.

Good luck and looking forward to your bids!

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