Need Google Apps Script To Man

I run a small canoe rental company and take online reservation requests through a google form embedded on my website. This data is manually checked against available canoes for a particular day and shuttle time. If the date and time are available, that data is manually entered into a confirmation email along with a paypal link for payment.

I would like something similar to this Google Script: Course Registration Template in which a form is submitted and checked for availability of day and time, and if correct, automatically populating confirmation email and sending.

This is a copy of the reservation request form:

This is a copy of the spreadsheet I use ot track availability:

Confirmation email looks like this: I’ve got you confirmed for 2 canoes on the Arena to Spring Green stretch and scheduled for the transfer leaving at 10am out of Spring Green on Thursday, August 5th.
The following documents may help with your preparation for the trip: (Insert documents pertaining to particular destination)

A nice bonus would be to add a script that sends the first reservation of any day that has a canoe going out to a Google Calendar event.

I hope this makes sense, please don’t hesitate to ask for clarification.

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