Three Newauction Types

I want some new auction types added to my auction site

see for new types

bid to zero auctions

5. lowest & highest unique bid type.
Unique Bid Auctions:
ZapADeal has two types of Unique Bid Auctions:

Highest Unique Bid, where a product worth hundreds of dollars usually has the “Highest” Unique Bid within a set price range of $4.00 or less.
Lowest Unique Bid, where the price starts at $0.01.
Once a Unique Bid Auction has been completed, all of the usernames and the amounts that they bid are publicly displayed along with the winning bid, which is highlighted in yellow.

You can see many examples within the Auctions Winners list by clicking on any Unique Bid Auction that’s been won!

Here is a quick example of how a Highest Unique Bid auction works:

Participant “A” bids $3.42 (bid #1)
Participant “B” subsequently submits the identical bid of $3.42 (bid #2)
Participant “C” bids 1.69 (bid #3)
Participant “D” bids 2.75 (bid #4) <–Successful Bid!!! Unique (no one else bid this price) and highest bid wins.

For a Lowest Unique Bid auction, participant C would obviously be the winner.

(Please click here to see the quick and easy Flash presentation on ZapADeal’s Lowest Unique Bid Auction).

This is a blind auction, so nobody gets to see the bids placed at the time of the bid.

Individuals cannot place a duplicate bid by accident on our system.

ZapADeal limits the number of bids allowed for each Unique Bid Auction, making your participation more successful when using this type of auction.

On the Auction page, you will see “Just # bids remaining” and the remaining # represents the number of bids needed before the auction is won.

This type of auction has no time limit, only a limit to the number of bids placed. It can close in minutes or can last for days depending upon the total maximum number of bids allowed before the auction is closed.

This type of auction DOES NOT depend upon being the last person to bid, so It does not matter when you place your bid, only on choosing the right unique bid.

There is a nominal bid fee specified for each auction, usually 10 credits each time you bid.
(The bid fee is clearly specified within each Auction). Bigger ticket items may have a slightly higher participant cost and smaller ticket items may have a lower participant cost.

This Bid Fee for the Auction is charged (not the amount you bid) at the time the bid is placed whether the bid is successful or not.

For example:

Suppose you are bidding on a new Nintendo Wii “Highest Price” Unique Bid Auction. The bid fee is 10 credits per bid. The highest selectable bid is set to $3.00. You make two bids, selecting $2.91 and $2.89 as the bid range. $2.91 turns out to be the Winning Highest Unique Bid Auction.
You have now been charged 20 credits for those two bids (10 credits X 2) and won a Nintendo Wii, for which you would pay just $2.91!
This system allows participants to acquire a $399.95 Nintendo Wii for under $4.00 and a $2,000.00 plasma screen TV for under $30 dollars!

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Bid to Zero Auctions:
ZapADeal Bid to Zero Auctions go down in price on every bid.

The Start Price is based on the street retail value of the item and is the price before the first bid.
The “Current Price” is hidden. To view the current price, a ZapADeal member must spend a single bid credit. The price is then displayed for a few seconds and the price goes down $0.20 cents for everyone
For example:

Suppose the Start Price for a product is $400 and it has been bid down to $200. The “Start Price:” will now show $400 and the “Current Price:” will show “???”.
Once you click on the “Reveal Price” button, the following three things will occur:
1. The item price will go down $0.20
2. You will see that the price is now $199.80
3. Your username will be placed at the top of the list as the last member to Reveal the Price.
When another member clicks on the “Reveal Price” button, the following three things will occur:
1. The item price will go down $0.20
2. They will see the price, $199.60 or less if other members have been bidding
3. Their username will be placed as the last member to Reveal the Price at the top of the list
The end of the Bid to Zero Auction occurs when the Reveal Price reaches $0, so the member who clicks on the item when it is at $0.20 wins the $400 product!
Bid to Zero Auction House compared to the Penny Auction House:

Because Bid to Zero Auctions do not have a countdown timer and are often used for higher priced products, they will probably take longer to end than Penny Auctions. Because Bid to Zero Auctions are usually available for a longer period of time, a larger number of people tend to bid on them, though the number of credits spent by each person is usually less than on a comparable Penny Auction.

Penny Auctions can have the advantage of ending sooner and have a smaller number of people bidding but each individual member may spend a larger number of bid credits on the Penny Auction, due to the nature of the type of Auction House.

All the hard stuff is already done just need some addons please bid accordingly.

Please NO copy and paste portfolios responses I want to know you read this and understand what you are about to partake upon.

you need to be at the top of your game dont want no beginners here I have alot of time and money invested in my script, if you think your going to get a free copy think again certain sections we have incorporated a tracking licensing system and every thing in encoded in ioncube, we will not provide you wit h a unencoded source for any reason dont ask, you dont need to edit anything inside the encoded file set, we encoded it we know. Have had bad experiences with people on here trying to steal my source code and it has NOT ended well for those people, so be forewarned.

If your even hesitatant in your abilities dont waste my time im tired or hiring people and firing them and cancelling projects as a result.
You will need to know

all interations ther of
html of course
Paypal IPN

You must be able to complete this in the time frame you bid NO Excuses, NO escrow not going to do it been burned 2 out of 4 times on here 50% loss so dont even ask FUll payment upon project completion and testing.. Yes everything must work. I will test fast upon completion. Payment to be made directly via paypal if i use scriptlance to transfer i can do but its going to cost you 3.9% deposit fee not me… I dont like scriptlances paymetn systems or escrow systems and especially dont like the milestone system people cant stick to them and that angers me.. I may be inclined to use the milestone system again and pay upon milestone but lets be clear here a milestone is accomplished once it is live on the server and verified working. I prefer to pay in full upon completion but am willing to work with the right person, just dont have much faith in the escrow system here or scriptlance ability to handle it.

I have my own project collaboration area which you will use during this project.

No crazy bids ill ignore you .
I dont care if you have 0 reviews or 10000 reviews I just need to know you can do it
and do everything you say you can do
andyou can do it in the time you bid

I fixed the timers myself last night kept getting crazy bids on that someone could of made a quick 50$ on that project seriously people 1200 bids for a simple JS fix… 🙂 took me 45mins to isolate and repair.

And lastely phew fingers are sore
You will begin now
You will complete on time if you exceed the bidded time there will be negative consequences maybe even deduct monies , not sure I hat eto do this tired of hiring people them bidding 2days and 30days later nothings done…
Everything will be tested before you ask me to check im to busy to check your work at whim Ill check when finished
i.e don’t say hey this is done please check you need to check and test and then say hey im finished with this and ill check and I best not find any errors I don’t have time for that stuff….

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