Facebook Tracking App

Facebook Tracking App
Description:Facebook Tracking System

I have a Facebook fan page. I am looking for a way to do the following:

1) Track which users sent invitation to their facebook friends to join my fan page, and the date and time the invitation was sent.

2) Track which of those invited users became a fan of my fan page.

3) Track when a user clicks on a link posted in a Fan Page post. In otherwords, I post articles on my fan page. Some of those articles have links to other sites. I would like to log each time a user clicks on a link and who the user is.

I believe all this can be done using Javascript to capture click events. I read an article about it on the web. So my first goal is to add this functionality to my fan page.

Ideally, the data should be captured in a remote MySQL database. If this is not possible, then please propose where the recorded data would be stored. It should be stored outside of Facebook.



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