Vector Displacement 2

Create an OpenGL, C++ application that will simulate projectile motion including initial velocity and gravity in 3 dimensions.

1) Need Project completed by July 24, 2010 in Visual Studio 2005

2) Part of the project listed below. Enire project in attached Word document.


Modify the projectile.h file so that the projectile travels according to the equations of motion. More specifically, modify the Update() function.

The Update() function is what contains the incorrect motion code. It contains some function calls that might be useful.
The movement is updated, using SetTimer, at dt milliseconds.

You will update velocity (since acceleration is not zero) and you will update position. An idea is to update velocity and position in the Update function by considering these two lines of pseudocode:
velocity = velocity +a*dt
position = position + (1/2)*(v_f +v_i)*dt
(Note: try not to use 1/2 in C++, but rather use 0.5)

You will use -32.2 for the second component of acceleration.
One idea with which one can start bfore updating velocity can be to introduce an initial velocity vector:
Vector3 initvel; //initial velocity vector, or old velocity vector
initvel = vel; // initial velocity is initialized to the current velocity

Some examples (found in the green box below) of what the methods set, scale, and
Add do :
In the green box below are some methods or function examples, found in gmath.h,
that act on vectors of type Vector3. These are just examples of what those
functions do and are not to be used literally word-for-word in the iLab.
Similarly, the numbers that you see in this green box are not to be used in the
iLab, they are just examples. Suppose that U, V, and W are 3D vectors of type
Vector3, whose components are of type double.

Vector3 U, V, W;
U.set(5.2, 1.1, -0.4); //This sets, or initializes, the 3D vector,
U, to U = (5.2, 1.1, -0.4)
V.set(-3.1, 7.8, 5.5); //This sets, or initializes, the 3D vector, V,
to V = (-3.1, 7.8, 5.5)
U.scale(-2); //This multiplies U by -2, i.e. U= -2*U = (
-10.4, -2.2, 0.8)
W = Add(U,V); //This adds: W=U+V, i.e. W= U+V = ( -10.4, -2.2,
0.8) + (-3.1, 7.8, 5.5) = (-13.5, 5.6, 6.3)

Note: These are just hypothetical examples meant to help you understand what
these methods do in general and not meant to be submitted word-for-word as you
see them here. For example, in other words, do not submit this in your iLab:
U.set(5.2, 1.1, -0.4);
nor this
vel.set(5.2, 1.1, -0.4);

You may, if necessary, declare your own Vector3 variables within the Update()
function to make it run well, in addition to the ones already declared there.
If you think you did it correctly but still do not see it travel in a parabolic
path in the sense that it is going up forever, it might be that you need to
Another idea is to manually increase your field of view slider to better see its

The cannon.h file handles the rotation of the cannon. In addition, it gives the
initial position of the projectile, as a vector. This initial position is used
in the projectile.h file, in the constructor Projectile.

Also, got to the main.cpp file and modify sprintf to put your name.

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