Php Software With Webgui And .

Users must be able to signup for the service via webgui.
User must enter personal details, language. User gets an own account which is chargeable by wiretransfer or paypal or moneybookers.
Inside gui user can download personal client based on .net (or maybe c) which can be executed on users computer (must work xp up to 7/64).
Statistics of users and usage must be shown on website.
The client allows the user to select media files on his computer and select 2 categories for media files. First categorie selects how can see media files (all, selected groups, or selected users or maybe nobody), second allows to put mediafile into a category like (computes, pets, adult-content …).
When user starts the client he can select which mediafiles he want to see from other users (all, selected groups, or selected users).
Now mediafiles are shared between users based on peer-2-peer technology.
Admin gui allows to set when a advertising is shown instead of a media-file. Admin gui allows to send a mediafile to all users, selected groups, or selected users or selected by male/female, age, country, zip … instead of showing other users mediafiles. Admin can select how long and how often the ad is shown and if user needs to confirm. admin can select between “system message” and ad. system messages can not be blocked by the user. ads can be blocked when user pays a monthly fee which is setable in admingui.
additional a ticker can be send to all clients with or without clickable link.
All clients must generate a unique hash with the server to prevent spoofing of clients. Admin can warn, block or delete users and/or clientsoftware.
Clientsoftware has the following features: report content button (unacceptable or wrong category). Admin can select a report number, when a user gets blocked or block or review reported clients/users.
Clientsoftware allows to set “allow chat”, “allow message”. When allow chat is set users can chat with publisher of mediafile. When allow message is set users can write a message to the publisher of a mediafile which must be read inside webgui by receiver. User can select which personal details from profile are shown to all / selected groups / selected users / nobody. Client allows to select “show additional profile info with mediafile yes/no”.
Mediafile can be a picture or a webcam stream.
Client allows to select “rotate every x seconds / minutes / days / weeks / never”. Allow to select show media from user / group / all. Client is able to work in fullscreen-mode as screensaver or always on top or as normal window.
Client must check at server for updates and show version number and latest version to user. User can select update automatically or update manually. User can choose between different languages (means language files in different files).
Statistics of users, downloaded clients, online users, online clients, usw. is possible to shown on webgui to all.

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