Facebook And Twitter Buttons Alignment


I’m trying to align my facebook and twitter button nicely exactly like this website: http://www.news.com.au/world/worlds-strongest-beer-guaranteed-to-dent-your-wallet-if-not-your-liver/story-e6frfkyi-1225895855686

This is my website: http://wp.hellokpop.com/2010/07/yg-ceo-talks-of-se7ens-struggle-in-america/

I’ve already added the facebook and twitter codes in, all you have to do in align it nicely like that website I’ve provided.

I need to it be aligned after the line “Posted on..”

In between the Buttons and “posted on..” I want those dotted lines to appear.

That is all, I hope you can take on this easy project! I am using WordPRess

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