Flash 8 .fla File Edited


I have an existing Flash.FLA, that I’ve been editing in Flash 8, that I would like the actionscript set to “auto-looping”.

You may view the exact .swf in action here:

I would like my Flash header pages to auto-loop with the same page scrolling indicator like the one here:

Notice on the tmobile header, probably a jQuery, the page indicator is pink as it moves from page to page.

My Flash head has white circles that indicates the page you are on and black circles indicates more pages. I’d like similar motion found on tmobile’s site.

Also notice when you first logon to tmobile there is a slight delay before the slide-show begin. I’d like that incorporated.

I am open to using a different color slider, which I would supply hex# for.

I’ll need the edited .fla returned back as Flash version 8.

The time is now 12:15AM, (EST). I will be answering questions for the next hour then I will be logged off until tomorrow 9:00AM.

Thank you,

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