Flash App + Xml + Twitter Api


Pls refer to http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DQazwDC7wBI

We have PSD ready.

We also need you to pull feeds into different sections of the flash app via RSS.

You will also need to pull twitter feeds via search.twitter.com (realtime).

Please show demos of your dynamic flash work. As you can see it needs a lot of elastic components.

We need someone to start today and finish the app by Monday/Tuesday.

Our client’s server is running asp.net / php and MS SQL 2005. This is important. We cannot use other platforms. Not sure if dbase is required since most will be loading via XML / RSS. Maybe the tweet tracker at bottom?

This flash app is for displaying the on-goings of 12 blogger who will contribute to an event, and this app will display their profiles (via xml non dynamic) and load images + videos from picasa rss and youtube rss. It will also track updates from twitter on people tweeting about the event.

1. For 1st box, load profiles + image from xml. pre defined and loading images from /profiles folder. There will be 12 profiles, auto rotate every few seconds.

2. For image gallery and video gallery to pull RSS from this temporary link. We will need to update this later once project is live.


i posted videos etc.

ALL images auto go to http://picasaweb.google.com/data/feed/base/user/112787860725832920131/albumid/5496333389121255217?alt=rss&kind=photo&hl=en_US


And all Videos auto go to http://gdata.youtube.com/feeds/base/users/h1studioadmin/uploads


e.g. of the video lightbox will be http://www.batailor.com/freelancer/shen/test.html


3. For the middle left twitterfall.com section, to “drop” tweets based on #KEYWORD in real time. Just 1 per time, and only a few visible at a time for a few seconds.

e.g. http://activeden.net/item/twikker-keyword-based-twitter-ticker/82206

The shoutbox is just a post to twitter status using this http://twitter.com/home?status=INSERTTEXTHERE target_blank

3. On the right side is a calendar, loaded from XML.

4. Bottom part is more complicated. Refer to the youtube video http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lRl92Q1IJ0w in posting. tweet tracker is to “count” tweets of combinations e.g. #KEYWORD + swimming, etc

You need to code some script check twitter api for tweets of various combo and dump into dbase or some xml. We have the list provided.

And over the over period of the olympics which is 2 weeks.

each time a match found, log 1 count into dbase

tweet tracker portion has 2 parts

top part shows tweets every 60 mins PER sports type over time, an average.

bottom part shows DAILY chart over fixed range of hours which resets daily, since every day the DAILY tweet count will be different.

But when you drag across the slider, it is to show different matches of tweets in that hour.

So it has to be dynamic and have some form of elastic effect.

also photos will be pulled locally from /swimming /athletics etc

there will be few images in each folder, just randomise.

5. There will be Omniture tagging required. Basically assigning tracker codes to buttons so that admin can track how the app is used etc.

6. Finally, this app will need to fit into FACEBOOK 760px width. We will be able to do the facebook integration ourselves. But if you have skills to do so, then even better.

Pls ask any questions asap as I will award today.

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