Joomla Template Needed

We are looking for a designer to create a simple template for a Joomla powered site to represent our group. We are a small membership group that runs a charitable trust and provides various forms of support to our local community, working with the schools and veterans in the area. In creating a web presence for ourselves, we are looking to develop a new website, and require a template to be designed for this project.

We will be using Joomla for the back end, so experience creating templates for Joomla is necessary. If it saves time and money, we are happy to have the designer we hire modify a stock template instead of creating one from scratch.

The template needs to contain our organizations colors which are purple and white. We can provide our logo and various other “branding” images for you to incorporate into the design. It doesn’t need to be overly complex, as our average user base is over 65 and not entirely computer literate. Simple is better.

We are looking for a somewhat speedy turnaround. If the project goes well, we may have other design projects in the future for the designer.

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