Need programmer to analyze and help develop a clone of —
Our goal is to be able to post multiple listings from the same account. Our current solution is to send captcha data to a third party – which takes care of the captcha. However, CL still identifies the account as posting too frequently after 2 posts! Repost123, on the other hand, allows its users to post 100-1000 per day with no problem. How? There is some anti-flagging work going on, some structure that has allowed them to do this.
Note this solution is needed ASAP for our project to move forward, so please DO NOT BID unless you are willing to work on it right away. Preference is given to those who have worked on similar projects before, successfully.
Note on Budget:
Please quote us a rate and how long it would take. We have a few projects we need to turn out in succession immediately, and need assistance on some of them, and generally get steady work, so if we like working with you and yours rates are reasonable, we can bring you on retainer. Can also be a single-project bid – your choice.