Serious Forum Posters Newbies Or Experienced


I am looking for a serious forum poster preferably with native english or a good english. I need you for the long term , if you will be professional, I will hire you for all of my projects.


1)You need to make real threads in adult forums or high traffic forums that you already know.
2)Your job is to be creative. (for example put my domain links inside adult pics) You can copy/paste from other forums, but not from the same forum that your posting.
3) You have a deadline of 7 days to give me 10,000 visitors. This is very easy to make with the right technic. You can make 1-5 posts daily with 3-5 accounts and can repost this will make the job.
4) I will follow all of your posts, if you are going to use autoresponders, proxies ,banners, popups, PTC I will not give you this job.
5) I will give you tips how to make it in the fastest and the easiest way, if you have your own experience it will be better.
6) You have to be online on MSN or skype.
7) I will pay $5 for 10,000 visitors.
8) Do not bid if you cant stick with the requirements.
9) I will test your skills first.


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