Photoshop Forum Posts

Need some scriptlance feedback? Know Photoshop and have a good grasp of the English language?

I am looking for someone to create new accounts on my Photoshop forum and write forum posts to make the forum more active. I might also provide you with some older accounts that went inactive for you to use to do this.

I do not want quick thoughtless posts or any kind of spam posts, I want original posts related to Adobe Photoshop. You may not copy/paste posts from any other forum or website. If I find that you copy/pasted from other web pages I will leave a negative rating for you on scriptlance. I do not want duplicate content penalties from google because you were lazy.

The best thing would be for you to write your own posts that are about topics relating to Photoshop CS4 and CS5 and that are current and relevant. You can get some ideas from other Photoshop forums, but you need to re-write everything in your own words.

If you can post some original tutorials for Photoshop that would be even better.

When you bid on this job please tell me if there is something good you can post and how many posts you will make for your bid amount.

Thank you for looking at my project.

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