Small WordPress Plugin/php-script

I need a small plugin/PHP-script that will work with WordPress.

Everytime I run the script using a cronjob it should make a post to the blog.

In some folder where the script is there’s also more folders like this:

Inside these folders are a number of pics. It can be anywhere from 1 pic to 100 pics.

I want the script to pick a folder at random, for example this folder “/pics-of-trees/” and make the title of the WordPress post to “Pics Of Trees”.

And then inside the WordPress-post it should post all the pics with HTML like:

<img src=”” border=”0″ /><br />

<img src=”” border=”0″ /><br />

<img src=”” border=”0″ /><br />

And then post the next pic and the next pic until it have posted all images in that folder. (All images in the folder should be in 1 post)

Also, IF there is a file named “link.txt” inside a image-folder. The script should link all the pictures to the URL that is inside “link.txt”.

The script should keep track of what folder it have posted to the blog so some folders doesn’t get posted twice. I should be able to upload more folders at anytime to the script without any problem.

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