Permits Tracking Website

Work Permit Tracking System
To show status of all active permits issued on daily basis. Moreover display a live dash board with figures.
The home page:
• Login control to capture login name to be stored in record while insert, update or any transaction done.
• All tabs required for the home page.
• Search field.
The entry page:
• Form to enter new work permit data issued and saved in the database.
• All validation must be applied.
• Pop up calendar to select date.

The services page:
• Enable user to inter the permit number to display it and edit the required record he enquire about. Extend, close or delete.
• Page to show the operation success or failure.
The display page:
• Filter to display records on the database by date, unit, or type.
The dash board page:
• Live Digital Counter to calculate the total number of open permits for today of all units.
• One Chart to show the total number for each unit for today.
• One Chart to show the number of permits for each unit for each type for today.
• This page will be opened and displayed on a Big TV screen 24hrs to show the system progress live. Auto refresh.
• Well designed page and clear for people to see.
• This idea is like the screens of stock markets that show live prices.

The statistical page:
• To show compare the month with the previous month regarding the number of permits issued.
• To show compare for each quarter.
• To show compare for each
The contact us page:
• Small form to enable user contact the website admin to ask or enquire. Like any contact page.
• Title of the message, name of user, and message body.
• Once click the send button it sends the message by the default outlook email.

• Using visual studio with VB language.
• The ability and patience for any additions or updates.
• Good support if needed.
• Using SQL express that comes with visual studio.
• Very organized and clear code so that if I want to modify it is easy.
• The source code.
• A clear procedure of how to deploy it.

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