Mezdan Mota Realty – Real Esta

I am interested in hiring a good web designer for my basic real estate website .

what I am looking for is 2 pages the main page will be about me ,the Real estate broker info name ,pic , email and phone number plus the logo which is Mezdan Mota Realty and should be creative with the logo ,layout of the page and colors .
The second page will be basicly for collecting client info .

I have a html code that has to be inserted to the main page:
To get this code you need to go to the THEMLS.COM which is california listing website and click on the FLX setup.
Click on my account then click on FLX setup and sign up with google check out to accept payments through the website .

The website is a real estate website and the code is a portal.

I have the Domain ready and hope you can help with the hosting and setting an email for the website.

Please look at the link below to get a better feel of what I am talking about:

It is a really easy basic website with ready portals and I will go through the details as soon as I find the right fit to this project .

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