Android App With Potential For Iphone App

Im looking at developing a website that would require intergrtion with an android app. Once ive finished the website, I will require an Android App to intergrate with the site.

This is briefly how they would work.

Members sign up at the website and create a profile.

Member downloads app onto phone and logs in using membership details from website.

GPS tracking plots member on google map and also shows everyone else who is using the app.

Member can see members nearby and can click on their icon on the map to view their details (profile) that was created on the website.

Member can then send other person a message and the other person can read it and reply.

To summerise this is what would be require of the App.

Pull login and profile information from the website
Using GPS, plot members current location on google map

I would at some point also require an iPhone version of this app. Please state whether your bid is for one or both versions.

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