Quick Fix Errors On The Site

This is a quick & easy project if you know what you are doing. This is a live site therefore we need the errors fix right away (maximum within 1 hour). Please only bid if you are able to meet the timeline.


Please see following link:

In above link we want the left side menu area to be replaced with the left side menu area of the following page:

Once done replacing the left menu, we then need that first link/page (http://econcierges.com/sonoma/pages.php?id=3) to appear instead of the following link:

Left menu will also be replace on the following link:


similarly we also need the following done.

Please also see following link:

We need the left side menu of the above link to be replaced with the left side menu of the following link:

Here we may eliminate the scrolling menu on the left with just one button.

Once done we will then want that button to be connected to the following link:

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