Flash Website

I will need a website with flash.
1. The website will have an introduction with the symbol of the company appearing slowly and when each part appears a specific message will appear.
2. In the main page there will be an animation where a group of companies.

Company1 Company2 CompanyN
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Company1-CompanyN will be greyscale and GroupCompany colour.
On mouseover of a company (eg Company1) then the company will become colour and group greyscale.
When clicking on Company1 the image will become colour and the scheme will be as follows:

I will need a website with flash.
1. The website will have an introduction with the symbol of the company appearing slowly and when each part appears a specific message will appear.
2. In the main page there will be an animation where a group of companies.

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with Company1 to be colour and GroupCompany to be grayscale.

When a company is clicked or onmouseover then the s sub menu (one level) will appear in the followng format.


All the images, (probably a video simulating the animation) will be given. The project must be delivered within 5 days after the subcontractor is seected

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