Png To Website With Cms

Hi, I have a client who needs a website developed. My designers have already layed out all of the pages ( in adobe Firefox .png format ) with layers. (There are 13 pages)

I need a web developer or ( team ) to develop the pages into html/css and apply a content management system. I’m not too fussed about which cms is used, i would prefer Joomla or if you have a custom one that will also do, As long as the client can edit EVERYTHING.

You will also be required to do the following :

– Create a Flash/xml Rotation main image for the homepage. Something similar to this websites If you look in the middle of the page you will see a CSS/html based news ticker under the heading “News and Features ” I want something link this incorporated into the home page ( see attached screen shot of home page )

– We have a open source Javascript / php loan calculator script which needs to be incorporated into the home page ( see screen shot ) once the user clicks “Calculate ” an ajax box will open with the results. So experience in Ajax and JQuery is needed.

( see attached homepage with Ajax loan calculator attachment )

loan calculator script :

– For the FAQ , use of Ajax / Jquery will be used to display FAQ’s this also needs to be editable via the Admin CMS.
( see Faq’s Ajax design page )

– Also in the design we have banners that say ” sign up to our News letter” for this we want an Ajax box to appear with a form when the user clicks one of these banners, so the user can submit their email details and it gets added to the database so the admin can send out news letters with attachments.

I need a Trusted developer who can deliver results. Remember we will provide all the .png layout pages and we want it exactly who have designed it and Editable via the CMS.

If you can do this project we have multiple projects lined up.

Message me with a price. Payment will be made after completion of project. We will require you do upload the work on your personal server for us to evaluate every day . Upon completion of project we will transfer funds and you will install the website on our servers. Then project will be marked Complete.

I need this done within 3 days. There are 13 pages that need to be created.

I need 100 % communication so you must be in contact everyday with progress of work and available via msn and email.

I’m looking at pricing from $60-100 US Dollars only. Remember this is a Test project, if you do well i have 5 large projects that i need done at your chosen pricing. Show me what you got!

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