i have users coming to my chat repeadidly and spamming links every 2 seconds, i bann, they come back, goes on for hours and they use proxys including tor so i need a script to block proxys from my entire server
i need a script or something easy enough to use that detects if a person is on proxy and then banns them from the entire server and leaves them with a nice little message where i can add any page as i see fit
i need a script possibly i want to place in a folder somewere on the server root and then in the server is a script and also with the script i would like the script to read ips from text files if i need to add ips or hosts i wanna add them to a text file each on its own line going down on the text file like notpad and have it block thoes ips in the text file as added bonus to allready blocking proxys
idk what exactly an be done but if you can give me your proce and idea maybe we can go from there.