Virtuemart Bid Field

Requirements for customer bid field

Designed for virtuemart 1.1.4
Document all changes in code and in separate change log listing the files changed so I can retro fit code into existing site

New field labelled “bid” input box clearly seen with black border.
No user bid found – Empty if no bid has been entered for that user
Bid Found – If a user has entered a bid for that product then display the bid value

Action: A user clicks on the bid input box
Result: An ajax popup box appears with bid input box and OK and Cancel buttons below. If there is an existing bid then action is to edit otherwise action is enter new bid (Similar function to the product price maintenance admin screen)
Select OK: validate the bid has been entered into field and if no bid, display error dialog and return to the ajax popup or if valid save into jos_vm_product_bid_price
Select Cancel: Return to calling screen

Users can enter bid or edit existing bid on the browse screen (only show registered)
User can enter bid or edit existing bid on product screen (only show registered)
Users can enter bid or edit existing bid on the basket screen (only show registered)
User can enter bid or edit existing bid in cart module (only show registered)
Validate bid field to stop SQL injection allow 99.99 only

Want the same ajax feel as in product price maintenance in the admin screens
Dialog box popup then the user adds or modifies price and then ok to confirm or cancel
Real time update, no page reload

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