Flash Card Software

I want to create a piece of software that will flash 400 simple math problems on the screen one at a time, then wait 3 seconds, and flash the answer. It would be divided into 25 sessions with 25 problems each.

For this first version of the software, I want to make it dirt cheap – $20 if possible. Future versions can be upgraded for enhanced look and style and additional features. But for now, I just want this simple functionality in the software.

So this is it… a welcome screen showing 25 sessions you can click to start. You pick a session, and then the 25 problems start showing one by one, with the answer showing 3 seconds after each problem appears. Then the next problem comes up…

I don’t even need the person to be able to to enter the answers (or anything else). Just this simple functionality for this first version. If you can do it for $20, that would be great. The problems will actually be multiplication tables – from 1×1 to 25×25.

This can be an exe file or whatever is easiest.


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