Java Work

I need work done. I’m going to pick someone by tomorrow to do this work so respond back quickly. What I will need to pick someone is a brief architecture of what you will do and how you will develop the work.

I’m wiling to pay $100-175 for this work. It must be done in 15 days or less.

Requirements for Payment Gateway API
ASPL is into software solutions business for many years now. It now ventures into the cloud computing, wherein
it intends to provide its flagship ecommerce portal in cloud, which will be delivered as SAAS model. For the
same, ASPL requires a payment gateway integration and payment processing API, which will be completely
customizable based on the users requirements. The API will serve as the payment processing platform for ASPL
as well as its customers.
Some of the high level features will be…
1. Configurable URLs for the payment processor.
2. Configurable fields, since field names and submission will be based on the processors requirements.
3. Configurable response URL.
4. Multi Currency
5. Multiple payment gateway setup (like paypal, ccavenue, 2checkout, etc.)
6. Payment type includes credit cards, debit cards, net banking, mobile pay etc. (these are usually provided
by the payment providers)
System Flow
User Side
1. User will select products and puts them in shopping cart. (Not part of this project)
2. User clicks on Checkout and taken to payment page. (Not part of this project)
3. The page shown after the step 2, is where the whole action begins for this project.
4. Checkout link will go the pre-specified URL where the payment methods available for the store are
shown to the user.
5. Once the user selects the payment method, based on that the gateways configured for that particular
payment method will be shown and the payment is completed at the providers website.
6. Response will come at the return URL and the value is stored in database.
7. After which the confirmation screen will be shown. (Not part of this project, you only need to show the
thank you or error page)
Admin side
1. ASPL Administrator will setup the available gateways for its own portals or cloud as a whole.
2. Users of the applications in the cloud who may be the service providers or sellers will be configuring
there payment gateways based on the form provided (most critical part of the project). The gateway
URL and return URL should be automatically configured for the user by the system. This will be
predefined by the ASPL admin.
3. Each gateway has some common parameters…
1. They all have URL to submit
Confidential – not to be reproduced and print only if needed
3. They all have form based submission
4. They all have pre-defined field names and value formats
4. We need to provide configuration facility for all of the above to achieve the objective of this project.
5. Some additional custom fields are also needed to accommodate for future needs or if some gateways
additional fields or URL.
6. One form needs to be developed for attaching the payment gateways to the application and / or store.
A drop down list of applications will be shown and after the selection a drop down of stores will be
shown. Once selected the multi select list of created payment gateways will be shown, which when
submitted will attach the payment gateways to the application and / or store. Both table details for
application and store will be provided.
User Interface
1. User interface will not be the detailed design of front end. It will be just simple layout, since the forms
will be integrated in the overall design of the bigger project.
2. Only thing required will be to put css class on the elements so that when we integrate the forms in the
application, look and feel can be changed by changing the CSS only.
Technology and Architecture
1. MySql 5.0.67 database
2. Jboss 5.1.0GA as application server
3. J2EE 5.0, JRE 6
4. EJB 3.0 with hibernate as persistance. Query can be only in HQL or EQL not directly written in the
entities or facades. Container managed beans.
5. Entity beans / Session beans / Session Facades
6. Front-end side will be JSF 1.2 (Jboss provided implementation) / Richfaces 3.3.0 (for Ajax)
7. JSF controller class will access the session facades, all business logic should be in session facades.
Standards to be kept in mind
1. No hard coding anywhere in the applications.
2. If some parameters are required, they should be in config table in database.
3. XML file will only contain database connection params. That too a separate xml will be put in deploy
folder. Entities will have persistance.xml which will contain JNDI name.
4. Comment all the code. Use descriptive variable names.
5. Junit classes for each Class. Method level testing.
6. Java docs for the classes.
Will provide all the help needed for the development, we will be working very closely with you to get the write the application. We will provide all the needed content.

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