Apply This Css To My Website

Note: I posted this project already but did not receive any bids I was confident enough to pick.

My test website can be seen here:

It currently uses this template:

I would like it to use this template:

So, I am looking for someone to change my HTML/CSS so it uses the new template.

A couple of things to note:

1. The layout after the change must be the exact same. This means if I view the old design on a 1280 x 800 resolution in IE, and compare it with the new design on a 1280 x 800 resolution in IE, both designs should look the exact same.

2. You MUST use the HTML and CSS as defined at You cannot add your own CSS or HTML. (I understand you will have to change the CSS values to get it to work, of course).

Please note I will only pick someone who can show me an example of what I want. That means you get the HTML and CSS of one of my pages and apply the new template to it. The reason for this is because I want to be sure you can actually complete this project and won’t waste my time. 🙂 So please, don’t bother bidding if you aren’t willing to show me an example of the new template in use.

Any questions, just ask.


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