Web Broswer Loads Urls

have a small app that i need. i have a list of 500 urls in a text file. i need a small app that is a web browser that can load the list, and give me forward and back buttons to scroll through the list. i would prefer it to (if possible) preload all 500 urls in cache so when i scroll through them it is very fast. even if this is somehow done before or in separate job. Even if 100 urls at a time. also this browser cannot get like IE errors as that will slow me down. the one i have seems to use an IE engine and i get tons of ‘internet explorer script errors’ it slows me down and i dont want that. Also need a back button so that if i am on one url.. and i click a link in the browser…i can get back to the main url from list..either by a button or clicking BACK.

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