Jquery Flicker Fix

This should be a few minutes’ work for someone well-versed in jQuery.

Open this page in Firefox:


You’ll see two areas of flicker: the green scroll bar on the left side and the little Welcome box at the top. The bigger problem is the green scroll bar. It flickers only in Firefox (not, for some reason, in IE) and the flicker is intermittent: if you don’t see it right away, refresh the page several times and it will eventually happen.

Here is a possible solution (though I’ve not been able to get it to work):


The goal is to make the page flicker-free in ALL browsers but especially in Firefox.

I’ve had bad luck in the past with programmers who claim to know how to fix this problem but then can’t pull it off. This time, I’d like to see the page flicker-free on your server as a prerequisite of selecting your bid.

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