Gift Finder

I run a gift review website and we are looking for a creative gift finder application to be developed.

The concept is simple, the user chooses certain features for who the gift is for (e.g. gender / price / occasion / etc) and the gift finder displays the relevant products that meet their requirements.

What we want to do hgowever is make it fun, so we wanted to introduce probably flash into the mix and have a gift finder monster, who on the first selection eats a bag (think santa sack)labled gifts and then burps out the gifts that meets their first requirement. Each time the user selects another option the monster eats all of the gift ideas, gets a bad tummy and then burps out the gift ideas that match the users requirement.

This is going to require some fantastic graphic design and great imagination from the developers, but its a great twist on the gift finder idea. have a gift finder application that is somewhat similar (no monsters mind), but should give the general idea.

I’m expecting questions, talk to me. I won’t choose generic run of the mill “can do that” responses, need to know the person who takes this on is going to be able to do it justice. Any flash examples of similar applications would be much appreciated.



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