We have working scripts with no documentation. We stopped using the scripts for reasons other than that they were not working or outdated. Need to integrate OM with the API’s available through Amazon. Recommended API’s are listed in the script.
• Product from OM in the Amazon keycode in Order Motion needs to be automatically uploaded to Amazon by size and category.
• Inventory updated from Order Motion to Amazon need to be performed on a periodic basis. These 60 minute updates would include wiping out old inventory numbers and replacing them with the current inventory numbers.
o Certain fast moving items and during the holidays, higher inventory number thresholds would possibly be needed to prevent over selling of stock between the times items are sold out and inventory values are refreshed. Shorter inventory upload intervals could be used instead of updating inventory thresholds.
• Once product sales are recorded on Amazon, they need to be sent to OM and a confirm receipt of the order needs to be sent to Amazon
• Once orders are shipped, automatic shipping confirmation receipts need to be sent to Amazon complete with tracking numbers for order notification.