I need a simple website for my new swimming pool company. Also I want to have my email address at my website (something like abramsfamily2006(at)mywebsite.com. Additionally would be nice (but not necessary) to have a rating system on the website, that would allow to my customers leave a review about our services. Any visitor should be able to see the reviews. I should be able to delete them if needed. Rating system is a plus but not required by my project (depends on the budget). I’m not looking to spend a lot of money on this website (around $100). I want it simple and cheap but look nice and professional. I will provide with pictures and some text. Website has to be search engine optimised. I have a website I created myself at www.bestpoolcompany.com. You can look at it to give you an idea. But its a complete mess, because I’m not a programmer. That’s why I need a professional to help me create better website.
Any type of programming options is fine with me. Thanks, looking forward to your bids.