Programmer must be fluent in MetaQuotes Language and have several EA’s already built. If you have any running on an account that is linked to the likes of myfxbook or mt4i I’d be interested in seeing it (just to see you have live running EA’s that function properly). The client will be entertaining all bids from all programmers. Once one is chosen and a Non-Disclosure Agreement is in place the strategy will be email for final bid amount and money will be placed into the scriptlance escrow.
Programmer must be proficient in the following areas
– Audible Alerts
– Email Alerts
– Multiple order processing
– Time Filter
– Trend Filter
– Acct Management features
This project is comprised mostly of placing trades based upon rsi crossing certain predefined levels and in accordance with the manual trend as well as bias which is essentially a moving average.
Payment will be through scriptlance escrow. We can set up a series of milestones if that suits you. This way testing can take place and we can both walk away happy. Acceptable milestones include, but are not limited to:
-Submitting a version 1.0 for my testing (15% of total project cost)
-Every week of testing (In the case there are a lot of bugs to work out)(15% x 2, negotiable if testing is done quicker than 2 weeks but is available as an option)
-Any other revisions (15%, again this will be after any previously tested work is handed over for my testing)
-Final completion of Project and full EA source Code in my hand (Final Payment + Any bonus, if any)(Final 40%)