Php / Forum Needed For Site

The tutoring directing will be php but converted into html like how I have my forum. We have a list of all tutoring companies right ready to add to it from every state in the us 4 in each state. We nee to add a spot at the top middle of the page where google ads can run 2-3 ads I have attached a image for example of the site I like how they have there ads set up. I don’t want right side or lower side ads anywhere just top middle. Must make the ads look like the same color of the site I can give you access to my google account so you can grab the the correct google ads codes. The form will also be able to let random visitors create an account and submit there business to the directory please make this very simple sign up . To sign up we need company name , website , city ,state, address , Manager Name , type of business, contact number , keywords and a description box with min of 80 words required to post. Some of these categories will be automated into the html code. For example for the meta title we want the City and state and type of business and company first word of name then random number auto mated into the html title when ppl list their company. In that order as well. For example , I will fill the form out and input apple valley for city and for state input mn and for type of business I would input tutoring company , so the meta title would be apple valley mn tutoring company pay lets input random numbers at the end to make sure all pages are different. The file name will be the same as the title automated as well so this would look like WILL GIVE WHEN WE SELECT YOU Also please make sure no one can input hyper links in any of the categories box even the website one simple delink the link for the website one automatically. The keywords show an example how they should look under that box to reduce confusion and make sure they have to input in the correct format so the automation works well, For the keyword categories box make that auto input in the html Meta keyword section as for example “ tutoring mn, tutoring company “. Make sure the comma isn’t there keyword so they need to input a space after the comma then the next keyword just like it is on meta keyword tags. For the meta description input the title exactly and the instead of partial company name input full company name and then input the zip code after that add words “contact input manager name at input company number immediate service professionally marketed by WILL GIVE WHEN WE SELECT YOU”. Add another sentence after the one we just made , the first 5 words of the clients description box the client imputed on their form in the next sentence and end it with a period so it like a sentence. Make this all automated.

On this page make a little add your business here and sign in button on the top below the bookmark button. So total of 2 buttons / 2 images . here is the page WILL GIVE WHEN WE SELECT YOU then you can see all the states we are gonna do now there information will be added to the pages when you click the state there business will show up on a list of companies within in that state with simply a company name and city and number and if they click that they will go to the actual page with all their info the client filled out when they signed up . If a client wants to go back and change there info that’s fine make the page able to update after they submit it if we can’t make the page html in order for clients to change there info then simply make the page static and not be able to change the info then we don’t need a sign up feature. Please make it so admin can remove un wanted ads if we wish. Also for each posting on the posting main page where you see all the clients info make a mini forum to add comments with a password security code for each message to post up to prevent spam so its like a mini blog for each main client page keep it very simple like the essay forum on WILL GIVE WHEN WE SELECT YOU .
In the html code make sure you have WILL GIVE WHEN WE SELECT YOU added like I have on all pages as well.

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