Data Entry Form Ui

Need a basic UI that will allow a user to Add, Update and Delete data.
No tables in the HTML form
On the UI allow the user to enter data
Show save records to a gird below the data entry form
Allow the user to scroll through the Data entry and the gird
Use MySql db
Code the DB connections string in its php file
Provide the ability to demo the solution

Business requirements:
Easy to use UI
Display data both in data entry fields and in a grid
Load all brand_tld_name in a combo box
Allow the user to select the name then display the data in the
data entry fields
Allow the user to select the name in the gird then display it
in the data entry fields
Do not allow the user to change the Brand_id after its been added

Project Deliverables:
1. A Working Add,Update, Delete Form connected to a MySql DB/table
2. A UI form to display/update information from the table
3. A MySql DB with the table
4. zipfile of project

Form/Grid Fields are listed below:
• redirect_link_id
• brand_id
• brand_tld_id
• network_name
• link_type
• redirect_action
• redirect_location
• affiliate_program_id
• sid_prefix
• sid_format
• status
• end_date
• start_date
• defaultt
• created_by
• created_date
• modified_by
• modified_date
• brand_tld_name

I have provide you with a DDL and data.
Please see the attached files.

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