Css And Javascript For 2 Pages

Require two HTML pages to be formatted using CSS to match the format of the page in the attached image ‘ui.png’, in which the text has been obfuscated for public posting here. The first HTML page, ‘ui.html’, is attached with the text again obfuscated for public posting here. The second HTML page is similar but with a subset of the content of the first page. While the text is different on the second page, the fonts and layout are the same so the CSS should be the same.

The font to be used in the CSS-based pages is Ariel/Helvetica. Some of the obfuscated text in the image has condensed character spacing which should be replicated in the CSS (unless you explain in advance that this is very time-consuming to accomplish).

Javascript is required to perform the following functions of the ‘Cancel’ and ‘Apply’ icons at the bottom right of the ‘ui.png’ image. These icons should also appear on the second page:
– Before any changes have been made to any of the fields or menu selections on a page, the Cancel and Apply icons should be greyed out as shown in the attached image ‘icons greyed out.png’, and mousing over the icons should have no effect.
– After any change has been made to a field or menu selection on a page by the user, the icons should both become brighter, and mousing over an icon should cause it to be highlighed, as shown by the ‘Cancel’ icon in the attached image ‘cancel icon highlighted.png’.
– When the ‘Cancel’ icon is first highlighted then clicked, any changes that were made by the user to the fields or menu selections since the page was first opened or ‘Apply’ was last clicked should revert to their previous values/settings.
– When the “Apply” button is first highlighted then clicked, the current settings of the fields and menus will be read by our application and the icons will again be greyed out.

The unobfuscated files will be sent on approval of your bid. You can feel free to re-create the HTML pages yourself instead of using the attached file.

Though the above requirements should be complete, please quote your rate to complete any unforeseen requirements.

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