Zen-cart And Wp

Zen-cart upgrade from v1.3.8/v1.3.8b to latest version 1.3.9d

The existing zen-cart have the Fast and easy checkout by numinix (FEC)

The zen-cart store is currently running on a customized Classic Contemporary Green template. There are some changes made to the code on some core files for customization reasons. These changes need to be implemented in the upgrade by using the override system. This will probably have to be achieved by doing a file comparison to find the modifications. We also want a refresh of the existing design.

We are going to install a WordPress (3.0) section to work as a magazine (CMS) for including SEO articles on our web site. We need to implement a common colorscheme for the zen-cart section and the WP section. This means a recognizable layout from the existing zen-cart to the WP magazine part. We have not chosen a template for the WP yet, but we will probably be using a customized magazine-basic template: http://wordpress.org/extend/themes/magazine-basic

– You must be experienced in working with zen-cart and WP, if you are this should be an easy job.
– You will probably need to be able to work with our project without having access to our server.

If the work is done to our satisfaction we would like a long time relationship to do future zen-cart and WP upgrades. There might also be other coding jobs and software addon implementations in the future.

Your bid should be for:
1. Upgrade of existing zen-cart from v1.3.8/v1.3.8a to latest version 1.3.9d – with previous modifications implemented in the upgrade by using the override system.
2. Layout refreshments/improvements
3. Implement some common layout elements from the Zen-cart store to a WP template for the new section of our site

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