Split Testing Software Needed

The coder must be already familiar with split testing. Do Not Bid if you’re not.

I need a A/B split testing script coded in any programming language you see fit. If possible, The point of this script is to test which of MULTIPLE web pages converts better into sales.

The tracking/registering of conversions/actions/sales could be done by simply placing a tracking pixel on the thank you page — which the customer will land after ordering


1) For each test, I should be to split UNLIMITED web pages.

2) IMPORTANT: I should be able to assign a specific percentage to each rotation (not necessarily an equal percentage to each). For example, for a certain test, I’d set 30% of the total visitors to see page 1, 40% see page 2, 30% see page 3.

Also, I should be able to assign a price value to each variation so the script can quickly sum up which variation has generated more revenue

3) The script will report a) how many actions/sales each variation generates — b) the number of raw visitors and the number of unique visitors for each variation — c) the conversion rate of each variation — d) the visitor value of each variation (based on the price value that I mentioned in point 2.

4) Real-Time Reporting (VERY IMPORTANT)

5) The script will show the same variation of the split test to the same visitor. So, if one person visits my site and he sees variation #1, then he will always see variation #1 if he visits my site again in the future. In order to do that, the script with insert a cookie on the visitor and will also register the IP (same IP = same variation).

5) The script needs to be easy to install and to use, using a user friendly control panel/dashboard to set up the split tests.

6) For each split test, I want to be able to track unlimited multiple actions. For example, multiple different actions might be: those who sign up, those who buy, those who buy upsells, etc.

So, we’d need different tracking pixels for different actions. And the script need to report all the aforementioned numbers (number of actions, conversion rate…) for each kind of action.

7) I want to develop the script into a complete commercial solution. There are two different actors which will access the system

1. The admin, which is the most powerful actor.
2. The user, which is the user of the script – who will be creating and managing the split tests.

** For the users, you have to create a sign up page, for the user to sign-up/register with the system . In the sign up page, user need to provide (at least) the following information:

-Re-enter password
– Full name
-User Email address
-Re enter email address
– Forgot Username/Password Function.

You can add more user information, similar to a forum sign up page. Captcha images and/or testing MUST be also included to prevent auto-registering software. Password should be encrypted before stored in the database.

** The admin part

The admin has absolute power over the system. The admin part is simple. The admin can manually add, view, edit, delete, block users. He can also view, enable, delete , block all users’ content/split-tests.

** Show me you understand my project thoroughly and give you your detailed proposal and how you plan to do this project.

I do not always pick the cheapest bidder, but a lower bid does increase the probability of getting the work.

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